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RICHBURG, SC – The South Carolina I-77 Alliance launched a new data dashboard for their four-county region, which provides research and data trends needed to make business and policy decisions for prospective employers, site selectors, and other economic development stakeholders.

The new statistical dashboard at I77Alliance.com makes it easy to find current economic, demographic and workforce information sourced from official government data. The data, developed by Avalanche Consulting, is divided into six main categories – Industry, Wages and Income, Workforce, Demographics, Social and Other.

Each category features line and bar charts, lists and other displays in an intuitive interface that lets users create customized charts they can save for their own presentations. The platform also allows a user to export the underlying data of any chart for further analysis.

The Workforce category, for example, includes data on employment, fastest-growing occupations, college graduates and degree clusters. Under the Social tab are breakdowns of annual housing permits and veterans by age.

The data is regularly updated and free to the public. The dashboard is provided through the South Carolina I-77 Alliance, which was established in 2014 to help attract new investment, commerce and high-quality jobs to York, Chester, Fairfield and Richland counties.

“Relevant, understandable data is critical to decision-makers in every field of endeavor, from siting a factory to choosing where to live. We’re pleased to have completed this first step in providing these attractive, understandable dashboards that will highlight how much is already available in the corridor between Charlotte and Columbia and how much potential remains,” said Rich Fletcher, I-77 Alliance President and CEO.

The York, Chester, Fairfield and Richland economic development organizations also will have their own customized dashboards available to the public soon.

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