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RICHBURG, SC – Just two years after its creation, the South Carolina I-77 Alliance has won a top award for one of the key elements of its economic development marketing.

The Alliance’s printed brochures – which visually package demographic, labor force, education and other key data about the four-county corridor – won an “Excellent” award in the Communication Awards Competition of the Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC).

The South Carolina I-77 Alliance was established to help attract new investment, commerce and high-quality jobs to York, Chester, Fairfield and Richland counties. Its board includes public and private partners, as well as the lead economic development professional for each county.

The SEDC is a network of more than 1,030 economic development professionals operating in 17 states, the largest such regional organization in the country. The awards were presented at the SEDC’s annual conference held July 31-Aug. 2 in Kansas City, Mo.

“These annual Communication Awards recognize and showcase the leading communication and marketing work done by economic development professionals throughout the south. The South Carolina I-77 Alliance hit the mark this year with this communication piece.  Its entry in the Printed Reports category titled South Carolina I-77 Alliance, County Economic Overviews not only showed creativity, but also solid messaging and effectiveness at reaching their target audience,” said SEDC President Gene Stinson after the Ceremony.

“This award is a nice recognition so early in the game as we ramp up our work to coordinate efforts to market and brand the four counties that form the critical I-77 corridor through the heart of the Palmetto State,” said Christopher Finn, the Alliance’s Director of Research and Marketing.

Alliance President/CEO Rich Fletcher added, “The competition for every new industrial and substantial commercial investment is crucial in our region and across the country. A professional presence from the get-go is essential and we’re pleased that our colleagues recognize the quality efforts our Alliance has underway.”

For more information on the Alliance, contact Rich Fletcher at (803) 789-5010 or rich.fletcher@i77alliance.com.

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